Need a starcraft2 beta key
rogier, Apr 29 2010
Did not really want to clutter the main forum with this so I'll post it here. Am in need for a beta key.
Let me know for how much you want to sell it, $5 via stars will instantly take.
Auction ends whenever I wake up tomorrow, so probably in like 18ish hours.
nl100 6max going pretty fine i guess
rogier, Feb 20 2009
yup, so far this month 15k hands with a decent winrate(6.5 ptbb qualifies as decent I guess at least, up like 1.9k ), however i feel like I am spewing in spots where I should not, and I sometimes tilt away a buyin(by 5betshoving AQ vs a nit for example, baaaad habit).
Think my game can be improved a lot, but the results really satisfy me so far, and I do notice how much more fun it is as grinding fullring.
Anyway, it's really funny how badly people sometimes tilt against a slightly unorthodox style ^^ (playing a looser style as most people do i guess, 29vpip/26pfr/4.8AF according to PT), however I hope to improve my game in the following aspects:
1) 3bet pots in which I'm not the initial raiser and am OOP(this is fucking hard)
2) finding good spots to 3bet
3) more agression on the turn/river especially
Hope to put in a long grinding session in the night, if my internet holds (well, my sisters internet that is, so far it seems like a polish connection T_T ). Goals of that: to win some money, but mainly to put in some volume that gets me back on supernova schedule(or platinum schedule: so far this month just 5.2k vpp )
Good luck at the tables!
FR going bad, trying out 6max a bit
rogier, Jan 30 2009
erm yeah. after being a 4 PTBB winner at .5/1 last year over a 135k sample, somehow i just couldnt win so far this year. maybe it's because i did not play for a month, maybe it's because i'm a station, maybe because i'm not making every decision while thinking about it deeply enough, maybe it's because i do not care 
aaanyway, results @fullring this month: $-240 over 11k hands or something.
feels horrible considering people horribly suck at poker at this level, but apparently i'm worse.
soooo after 5betting allin with AK vs a cold 4bet @fr while i was in early position(and mucking to the obvious AA) i decided it was time for a little change.
So i leaped into a more aggro game - 100nl 6max.
In the past I've always had problems in 6max, probably was too nitty and bad at handreading etc. I probably still suck pretty hard - but at least I have the feeling 100nl 6max is pretty beatable.

(yes i did run $250 above expectation in allins, and im afraid this ptbb/100 isnt sustainable)
might stick around at this level for a short time, while moving to 200nl(either fullring or 6max depending on my mood) around half of february.
6max is refreshing, aggressive and fucking fun to play compared to fullring.
I like it :D
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